His Majesty's Own Escort
Under the Reign of Alexander III and Nicholas II

Section 6
A significant part of this section is devoted to the peaceful period of His Majesty's Own Escort service. The Escort uniform, including uniforms of Nicholas II from the collection of the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site, is presented here. Several sections of the exhibition are dedicated to the traditions that have formed in the Escort over its 100-year history, the celebration of its anniversary in 1911, the barracks and the regimental church, the Feodorovsky Cathedral, built in Tsarskoye Selo not far from the imperial palace. Many exhibits illustrate the way of life of the escorts, their awards, and participation in festive events. The exhibition demonstrates rare weapons of the Cossacks and officers of the Escort, including the dagger of A.S. Fedyushkin from the collection of A.D. Gnedovsky.

World War I disrupted the peaceful way of life of the Escort, but made it possible for the Cossacks and officers to distinguish themselves on the battlefields. Photos, paintings and graphics are dedicated to the exploits of the escorts in 1914–1917 and their service for the protection of the Stavka (the Tzar's Headquarters).
Part of the documentary (rus)
on the topic of section 6
Visit the exhibition
The exhibition runs from July 23 to October 18, 2021
every day, except Thursday, from 11.00 to 19.00